Please contact us for detailed information regarding ingredients and allergens
From 12 to 4 Saturdays & Sundays we serve bottomless brunch
- You can choose as many courses from the menu as you like but only two at a time and you have the table for 2 hours•
- All courses are small.
- All courses are served as soon as they are ready, thus the courses can arrive at different timings.
- All guests at the table must go for the Bottomless Brunch. • Not available with offers or discounts.
Bröns panna / Brunch Pan
Pönnukökuturn með beikoni, spældu eggi og hollandaisesósu / Pancake tower with bacon, fried egg and hollandaise sauce
Kjúklingur og Vaffla / Chicken and Waffle
Djúpsteikt kjúklingalund í stökkum raspi á vöfflu með engifergljáa, pico de gallo og beikoni / Deep fried chicken tender in crispy crust on a waffle with ginger glaze, pico de gallo and bacon
Feta Shakshuka / Feta Shakshuka
Fetaostur, tómatsósu með kjúklingabaunum, kúrbít, papriku og chorizo / Feta cheese served with, chick peas, zuccini, bell peppers and
Önd og Vaffla / Duck and Waffle
Vaffla með rifinni önd, miso, japanskt majó, vorlaukur / Waffle with pulled duck, miso, japanese mayo and scallions
French Toast Benedict
Steikt eggjabrauð með beikoni, hollandaise sósu og hleyptu eggi / Fried egg toast with bacon, Hollandaise sauce and poached egg
Pönnukaka með spínati, osti, möndlum og ananas / Crêpes with spinach, cheese, almonds and pineapple
Mac and Cheese
Makkarónur í ostasósu með beikoni og parmesan / Macaroni in cheese sauce with bacon and Parmesan cheese
Uxabrjóst / Beef Brisket
Mjúk tortilla með hægelduðu uxabrjósti, chilimæjó, Lyonnaise-lauk, heslihnetum og garðakarsa / Soft tortilla with braised beef brisket, spicy mayo, Lyonnaise onions, hazelnuts and garden cress
Stökkar Kjúklingalundir / Crispy Chicken Tenders
Mjúk tortilla með djúpsteiktum kjúklingalundum í stökkum kryddhjúp, rucola, chorizo, jalapeno, eldpiparmajó og sýrðum lauk / Soft tortilla with deep fried chicken in cripsy spice crust, rucola, chorizo, jalapeno, chili mayo and pickled onions
Rifinn Grís / Pulled Pork
Mjúk tortilla með sinnepsdressingu, sýrðu rauðkáli og stökkum jarðskokkum / Soft tortilla with pulled pork, mustard dressing, pickled red cabbage and crispy sunchokes
Tígrisrækjur / Tiger Prawns
Mjúk tortilla með steiktum tígrisrækjum í eldpiparsósu, sýrðum lauk, pico de gallo og stökkum jarðskokkum / Soft tortilla with sautéed tiger prawns in chili sauce, pickled onions, pico de gallo and crispy sunchokes
Blómkálstaco / Cauliflower Taco (Vegan)
Mjúk tortilla með djúpsteiktu blómkáli, Bastard-buffalosósu, aioli og gulrótum / Soft tortilla with deep fried cauliflower in spicy Bastard buffalo sauce, aioli and carrots Vegan
Chili sin carne / Chili sin carne
Mjúk tortilla með vegan hakki, sýrðu rauðkáli, maís, jalapeño, aioli og stökkum gulrótum / Soft tortilla with vegan mince, pickled red
Parmesan- og Trufflufranskar/ Parmesan and Truffle Fries
Stökkar franskar með Parmesanosti, trufflukryddi og trufflumajó / Crispy fries with Parmesan cheese, truffle
seasoning and truffle mayo
Hægt að gera vegan / Available vegan
Steikt Brokkólíní / Sautéed Broccolini
Með sesamolíu, ponzu, sýrðu rauðkáli, sýrðum eldpipar og wasabi sesamfræjum/ With sesame oil, ponzu, pickled red cabbage, pickled chili and wasabi sesame seeds Vegan
Edamame Baunir / Edamame Beans
Með ponzu, engifer og eldpipar / With ponzu, ginger and chili
Parmaskinkusalat / Parma Ham Salad
Stökk Parmaskinka, kirsuberjatómatar, ferskur burrata, agúrka, basil og balsamikedik / Parma ham cherry tomatoes, fresh burrata cheese, cucumber, basil and balsamic vinegar
Hakkað nautakjöt með osti, japanskt majó, klettasalat og laukur / Minced beef with cheese, japanese mayo, rucola and onions
Djúpsteiktar risotto kúlur með parmaskinku, parmesan, í stökkum hjúp / Deep fried risotto balls with Parma ham, Parmesan cheese with crispy crust
Kjúklinganaggar / Chicken Nuggets
Kjúklinganaggar með tabasco majó, stökkum lauk og eldpipar og tomatillo salsa / Chicken nuggets with tabasco mayo, onion and chili crumble and tomatillo salsa
Rauðrófur / Beetroots
Rauðrófubuff, rauðrófumauk, hleypt egg og hollandaise sósa / Beetroot patty, beetroot purée, poached egg and Hollandaise sauce
Berlínarbolla / Berliner
Berlínarbolla með Nutella og bökuðu hvítu súkkulaði / Doughnut pastry with Nutella and baked white chocolate
Grísk Jógúrt / Greek Yogurt
Borin fram með hvítu súkkulaði, sýrópi og berjum / Served with white chocolate, syrup and berries
Belgískar Vöfflur / Belgian Waffles
Með nutellasósu og þeyttum rjóma / With Nutella sauce and whipped cream
Amerískar Pönnukökur / American Pancakes
Með sírópi og smjöri / With syrup and butter
Súkkulaðibitar / Chocolate Bites
Browniebitar með jarðarberjum / Brownie bites with strawberries
Piccini Mimosa
Piccini Spicy Ginger & Pineapple Mimosa
Piccini Prosecco
Carlsberg Lager